Debunking 3 Common Myths About Solar Energy

Debunking 3 Common Myths About Solar Energy

Solar panels on roof in shape of question mark

Adopting solar panels for your Calgary home or business is a substantial step. Researching the options in advance is vital for property owners considering this move. Studying solar solutions contributes to making a well-informed decision about what meets your needs. Research can also help address potential concerns and worries—mainly when many misconceptions about solar energy exist.

As you explore whether to invest in a solar installation in Calgary, it’s essential to avoid falling prey to these myths. Let’s compare the facts and fiction of solar energy and discover the truth.

Myth: It’s Too Expensive to Adopt Solar

Installation costs for solar power have been on a downward trend for years. In 2018, the Canada Energy Regulator observed the prior five-year price decline, and that trend has continued. Solar installation in Calgary is more financially accessible than ever. It may not be a myth that solar energy is a sizeable investment, but it creates value for property owners.

Fact: You Can Unlock Financial Benefits with Solar

A well-designed solar installation in Calgary can translate into noticeable energy savings immediately and over time. Over the lifetime of a system, you could save thousands of dollars in energy costs that would otherwise arrive in the form of electric bills. In some cases, property owners with excess generative capacity can sell energy back to the grid. These factors reduce the total cost of ownership for solar power.

Myth: You Can’t Reasonably Rely on Solar Power

Solar power systems are highly reliable and require low maintenance. They produce minimal power when covered by snow. However, snow will slide away when the panels produce power and generate heat to melt the snow. Solar panels also have a special coating to make the snow easily slide away and have higher efficiency at lower temperatures. 

Fact: Solar can provide power all year round

Solar power systems produce more electricity in summer than in winter. For a grid-tied system, the excess energy in summer can be exported to the grid and generate credits that can be used in winter to compensate for the lower production. All in all, solar energy can generate power that matches the property’s annual consumption.

Myth: Solar panels are not strong enough to handle hail

Hailstorms occur in some parts of Alberta, and many homeowners are worried that the hail will damage their solar panels.

Fact: Solar panels are covered with tempered glass

They can withstand some of the harshest weather conditions. They are tested by firing a one-inch diameter ice ball 90 degrees directly at the glass side of the panel with a speed of 83 km/hour—the average speed of a Category One Tropical Cyclone. Moreover, many solar panels are mounted at a specific angle, which helps deflect the hail further.

Learn More About Solar Panels in Calgary Today

The reality is simple: solar power is a mature technology with apparent benefits for homeowners and businesses. Despite some general misconceptions, a solar installation in Calgary will help you meet your power needs. With the right solar solution, you can gain energy independence and lower your environmental impact. Speak with the trusted team at TENET to learn more about your options for solar panels in Calgary and your next steps.

Tags:Going Solar, Solar Company, Solar Facts, Solar for Business, Solar for Home, Solar Incentives, Solar Installation, Solar Installers, Solar Rebates

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